It’s easier than ever before to become a…


Top Fitness Pro Reveals How to Melt the Fat Off Your Body Faster

than Believed Humanly Possible..
It’s Lightning Quick..
The Closest Thing to Taking a Blow Torch to a Stick of Butter

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Dear Future Lean Machine...

Let me ask you a quick question…

If it was something along the lines of, ‘UGGGHHH. You look TERRIBLE,’ or “What a fat, disgusting slob you’ve become,” then I have good news for you.

I’ve been where you are now. I know the path you’ve traveled so well I can hear your footsteps and your conversation..

But the difference between where I am now and where I used to be, and the system I used to get there, is so incredible I feel compelled to share it with you today, in part because I am stunned when I see the slow-poke progress almost everyone else is making toward their goals of fat loss.

Now, let me tell you up front…


If you want to count calories and follow the five small meals per day mainstream advice, this system is NOT for you.

If you want to follow the hollow advice of nutritionists, dietitians, and other fitness professionals who tell you to “eat less and exercise more” then my system is NOT for you.

If you want to count calories and follow the five small meals per day mainstream advice, this system is NOT for you.

If you want to follow the hollow advice of nutritionists, dietitians, and other fitness professionals who tell you to “eat less and exercise more” then my system is NOT for you.

And if you think that all forms of fasting will slow down your metabolism, cause you to lose muscle mass and lead to low levels of energy, then you can either open your mind or go away as my amazing system will NOT transform your life in every way, shape and form unless you’re willing to play ball the way I do.

Mark my words, with my system working in your life, everything about you will shift and change, including…

  • Libido

  • Stunningly Rapid Fat Loss

  • Muscles on top of muscles

  • A new wardrobe

  • No feelings of being deprived

In 2019, I looked in the mirror and DID NOT like what I saw.

Somewhere under the extra body fat, was the old, ripped, lean bodybuilder.

I knew the body was in there, but I had burned myself out with chronic dieting and had no idea how to get back there, and stay there.

Now let me be clear, I am not talking about being ripped like I was in my bodybuilding days, but I wanted to feel proud and confident when I took my shirt off.

Heck, shouldn’t one of the top fitness Coaches in the world feel that way??

Yes, my friend, you are not alone in feeling ashamed and discouraged about how your body looks when it comes time to hit the beaches or pools next season.

Nor are you alone in feeling frustrated about the confusion that surrounds the dieting.

At the time, I was 37 years old and I had on an intermittent fasting protocol for 5 years already.

I was eating a max of twice per day and the minimum I would fast would be 16 hours, many days it was 18-20 hours.

Although I liked how I felt eating less often, I didn’t like the fact that it didn’t melt the fat off.

As I sat out on our front patio one night, the thought came to me to start experimenting with my fasting.

It had grown stale and the results had dried up.

And that’s when the bolt of lightning came to me for my Panda Diet.

If YOU have tried intermittent fasting before and claim that it didn’t work, YOU ARE RIGHT!

But, the Panda Man Intermittent Fasting works like gang-busters. It’s the old reliable, that works across all walks of life, from the elite to the novice.

At the time, I was still in the death grips of counting calories and measuring my food, because that was the only thing that seemed to work in the past…



It was miserable.

I hated it!

I was in


My wife, Devon, aka Suzy Homemaker said one day, ‘I don’t understand it. With how hard you train and how disciplined you are with your food, I’d think that would be lean all the time.’

It stung, because she was right and I was perplexed for the prior 15 year cycle of getting lean for a bodybuilding show or the summer time, having to cut such a drastic amount of food out of my daily routine, that I literally came to tears more than once.

Imagine that, dieting so hard that the physical discomfort was so great that you actually cried?

It was a learning process for sure and I just thought that I was going to have to accept my ‘dad bod’ because nothing seemed to work including:

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

  • Chronic dieting

  • Double training sessions

I was now one of the ‘lost and confused’...

And this was my field of expertise!!!

But in the back of my mind I always believed that there would be some magic nutrient, supplement or some combination that would transform my body, so I surely wasn’t going to throw in the towel.

How many times have you bought into the promise of ‘X’ diet, supplement or program being the magic key that would unlock the door to unbelievable fat loss, only to be disappointed in the end??

Yet, each time I attempted to get lean again, after building up a year’s worth of enthusiasm, I would wind up disappointed.

Enough was enough!

On the patio that night, I made the decision to experiment with my fasting.

Yes, it was a little scary at first because I was busy with young children, multiple gyms and I was training hard.

Surely I needed a constant stream of food, right???

I read and watched things on long form fasting and decided to jump into my first long fast.

I completed my first longer fast and knew that I had found something truly remarkable.

But I didn’t want to get too excited and start sharing it yet.

There was still weight to drop and fat to melt.

Fast forward 3 months…

I started that journey at 249.6 pounds

and 16.8% body fat.

3 months later I was 225.6 pounds and 6.5% body fat.

I had cracked the code…

And the best part was that I was eating until I was stuffed, finally having no guilt over how much I was eating or whether or not it was a ‘cheat day’.

Yes, I was literally eating twice the amount I had started my ‘diet’ on.

All conventional ‘wisdom’ was being thrown out and I felt that I had finally figured out this game of sustainability.


Imagine being able to eat your cake and drop pant sizes too!!!! Literally!

See, I not only figured out the fasting game, A to Z, but I combined the best of what I had done prior to make the process completely sustainable and enjoyable, which includes cheat days and cheat meals….

By the end of that summer, I had my notes, my results and my theories ironed out.

By the next year, it was time for me to literally write the book on it and start teaching it to the masses.

I remember, it was during COVID when I ran my first ever Panda Challenge.

NOW it was time for the real test.

I had 12 people in that first challenge and the results during the 6 weeks were astounding!

There were people that wanted to drop 30 pounds in that 6 week period and by golly, they did!

But that wasn’t the best part! They kept it off and continue to keep it off until this very day!

How many times have you had to diet off the same 20-60 pounds??? There’s a reason for that and it’s because the traditional approach simply does not work in the real world, despite whatever new name or gimmick they come up with.

How many times have you had to diet off the same 20-60 pounds??? There’s a reason for that and it’s because the traditional approach simply does not work in the real world, despite whatever new name or gimmick they come up with.

NOW, by this point, I’ve literally Coached thousands of clients around the world on my system and I’ve come as close to perfecting anything as one can.

Is it perfect? NO!

I will always continue to learn and experiment and refine my methods.

But I’ve pretty much seen every diet there is to see and I’ve been able to apply my Panda Diet to all sorts of individuals, from the competitive bodybuilder to the post-menopausal grandmother.

Heck, there are even a number of celebrities, professional athletes and well known industry giants that have hopped on my Panda Diet.

Here’s the Deal:

I am hosting my first ever Masterclass in the Panda Diet on Tuesday, December 10th.

This masterclass is my best when it comes to fasting, nothing held back and wisdom that I normally keep close to my chest for my top level clients, who willingly pay me 5 figure sums of money to Coach them on this.

Here Are Just Some of the Things You’ll Learn in my FASTING MASTER CLASS:

  • How my way of fasting led to much more frequent SEX with Devon. There’s actually 3 mechanisms at work in the libido department with the Panda Diet. There’s a reason I’m still popping out babies at 43.

  • 1 Secret that the Legendary bodybuilding Coach, John Meadows, now deceased, told me about packing on muscle, that blew my mind and I have baked into the Panda Diet. I’ve never heard anyone else talk about this…

  • The top mindset trick I discovered back when I was first competing in the early 2004 that dramatically supercharges the power of fasting….and makes it at least 50% easier and 100% more sustainable…

  • The major flaw that 99% of Fasting experts get wrong. I have seen and heard from too many clients the horrors that are being taught by the experts. They want to keep one foot in fasting and one foot in the traditional North American Diet and I can assure you, it doesn’t work..

  • Why fasting makes it so you can hold your breath longer… which correlates directly to fat loss and the fountain of youth…

  • The secret concept of ‘calorie partitioning’. IF you do this right, you can starve out your fat cells while pumping up your muscle cells. I first learned this back in 1998!

  • Why and How 1 Hormone Has a Bigger Impact on Your Health and Fat loss than all the other ones combined.

  • For you fellow believers…. How the Devil himself will use his greatest weapon once you start on this path…

  • The #1 Best response to say to your spouse or ‘concerned’ friends that question your new lifestyle.

  • The Caricature you DO NOT want to turn into once you start getting amazing results (which you will, if you follow my lead), otherwise it has the potential to deflate you faster than a needle touching a helium balloon…

  • 1 Secret I learned from a world renowned, now deceased doctor, on a private call that is essential to do with the structure of your feast. Can you succeed without this? Maybe, but failure to implement this strategy usually leads to a much, much harder experience in multiple ways.

  • Why calories-in and calories-out is the biggest lie ever told in fitness and nutrition. I’ll even share an obscure mathematical principle to put the nail in the coffin…

  • ONE BIG piece of experience that I teach about hunger will one day become obvious and it will also be one of the greatest personal development tools that has ever existed!

  • How my 5 year old daughter taught me more about the difference between hunger and appetite than I learned while going for my masters degree in Exercise Science. Know this and the truth will set you free…

  • Why Your Thyroid is not the culprit behind your weight gain and it’s what I consider ‘fools gold’

  • 1 Trick You can start using to boost your thyroid naturally, but be warned, at first, it can give you flu like symptoms

  • An amazing insight that the legendary Dax Moy, the creator of Mind Mapping, taught me 10 years ago to quickly assess if you are in the right state to eat

  • The secret behind how I used to eat 20,000 calories in a single day while staying ripped…

  • The True Purpose of a Cheat Meal or Cheat Day and how you can best use them to supercharge your results…

  • The changes you can expect in the largest organ in your body when you begin doing what I will teach you

  • The protocol that I would use if I ever developed cancer.

  • The unspoken correlation between fasting and anxiety that I’ve seen working with hundreds of clients over the past 5 years

  • Why I believe I grew 1.5” following the Panda Diet (but no, I cannot guarantee the same will happen to you). Last year, I put a post up about this and people lost their minds!

  • Would you really die if you went 3 days without water? This knowledge can be employed for remarkable fat loss and bodily repair..

  • 2 Secret ‘supplements’ I use in conjunction with my personal Panda Diet protocol that have boosted my immune system dramatically! But, be warned, these are far out concepts that aren’t for everyone but I simply lay it out for you to decide for yourself.

  • The trick to getting to single digit body fat levels and staying there, with non-effort. I’ll be teaching you the exact protocols that I have used over the past 5.5 years that have allowed me to get to body fat levels that are pretty damn close to where I’d have to be to step on the bodybuilding stage again.

  • How I’ve simplified the approach to eating so drastically that you’ll get 60 hours of your time back each month and open a whole lotta headspace that you can use for other areas you want to work in LIFE.

  • The best way to manage your workouts when you first begin this journey. Should you lift or shouldn’t you? And what’s the best way to lift?

  • The perfect food to break your fast with. I have not seen any other ‘expert’ teach this and I am always astounded!

  • What is Anabolic fasting? Yes, you can pack on some serious muscle following my Panda Diet! Most people are completely focused on the wrong thing when it comes to putting on muscle. This goes completely against the mainstream legacy fitness industry teachings and it works!!!

  • If you’re one of the people that has tried intermittent fasting and it didn’t really work… well, now you’ll know why and what exactly to change

  • Why getting super cold means you are doing it right. There’s a very clear and real reason for this and it makes total sense, once I lay it out for you.

  • What do you do if breakfast is your favorite meal of the day?

  • The ONE food that you should avoid at all costs, yet it’s pushed as a ‘health’ food by the mainstream!

  • The Suzy Homemaker method for cleaning our fruit. What comes off will disgust you so make sure you aren’t putting it into your body!

  • How long should your feast last? Is it 30 mins? 1 hour? 2 hours? So much confusion and concern around this topic. Don’t worry, your confusion will vaporize once I teach you this

  • The method of fasting that is 3X more powerful than water fasting! But, it’s difficult to do and easy to do wrong if you don’t know what you are doing.

  • How long should skinny people with high metabolisms fast? And can fasting be used for those that don’t want to lose weight? The answers might surprise you!

  • How to know if you are eating enough. I get this question all the time. The ironic thing is that the question normally comes from people that want to lose weight and body fat.

  • The mystery of Internal starvation…how does this happen? And does it happen to a person like you???

  • The 4 Keys to staying young…fasting is just one of them…

  • Can athletes fast and should they fast? It depends, but I will tell you that many athletes will experience a boost in performance once they become adapted to my methods.

  • A sneak peak at my Indigo Panda, something that cut my body fat in half in just 2 weeks and something I will be charging $5K to teach to select, high level individuals in 2025!!!

I know, that’s a lot to pack into 90 minutes.

But I assure you that I have a way of teaching that will make you ‘own’ this knowledge and you will be ready to implement it right away.

If you are already on the Panda Diet, this knowledge will supercharge what you are already doing.

Never before have I taught ALL of this in one place.

You can keep up the endless search for the perfect ‘diet’, but dieting is NOT the answer.

Dieting the way we’ve all been taught will leave you pulling your hair out.

Think about it, when you’ve dieted before, you are waiting for the very thing that is supposed to help you gain the body you love, to be OVER.

It’s non-sensical!

If it has a defined end date, it WILL NOT WORK.

Usually this level of knowledge is reserved for clients that are paying me 4 figures per month an


Want to be able to play with your children and grandchildren without your joints hurting and without gasping for air….

Are ready to have your lover look at you with desiring eyes once again…

Want people to feel safer because you have entered the room

Have thought about what it would be like to get in your bathing suit and have people stare at you in a good way and admire your hard earned body

Can no longer stand the thought of putting up with what you see in the mirror every single morning…

Want to get the edge on the other guys in the office. Let’s face it, life is a competition and being in shape is the ultimate status symbol..

Feel guilty about not having the energy to play your child’s favorite games with them…

Ready to stop waiting for the perfect time to get into shape…

Fear an early demise because you just haven’t been able to figure out the game of health…

Are sick of the low confidence and self-doubt that you feel on a daily basis…


Here’s the DEAL…

I am offering my Panda Diet Masterclass at a ridiculously low price for those that want to tune in live.

And those that attend LIVE, online, will have the great opportunity to ask me questions.

I’ll make sure I get to every single question and I’ll make sure that YOU have the exact plan to start getting immediate results with.

But, because I am taking live questions and I want to make sure each and every person gets more than they bargained for, I am LIMITING THIS TO 100 SPOTS!

And with my large following on social media, it should have no problems selling out, and FAST!

If you want to head into the new year riding high, full of confidence that come Springtime, you'll have a completely new body that turns heads, this is your chance.

If you’d like to secure your spot for just $49, click the button below!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and once I’m done with it, I will later sell it as a product, but for a few hundred dollars more and not for at least a few months down the road.

WARNING: What I am about to teach in this class is often Controversial and BIG TIME UNCONVENTIONAL. If you aren’t ready to think outside the box and try a new approach, this is NOT FOR YOU.

Be Unconventional,

Panda Man

P.S. - The first 20 people to sign up will get a FREE, autographed copy of my newest book, The Quadrigon ($99)!

P.P.S. - Once the 100 seats are taken, this page will be deactivated and you will have to wait until January to get your hands on this lesson.




“I ended up losing 50lbs on his 1 month free program… and another 30lbs by the end of his 5 week…this dude is different from all the other "fitness/diet experts" out there. He is on a mission from God and I felt it in my heart”…


45 Years old

‘I consider him Morpheus 😎 and I have a lot to learn from him….This has been the best investment of my life and I am going to continue working with him for the foreseeable future. New doors are always opening. Be like Nike and just do it!!!’

Angie Lugo

Anthony Kasperek


Renee, mother of 2, busy professional

“I had a fairytale dream to put on my wedding dress for my 15 year anniversary.

To do all this, I needed something totally different….Trying Panda, I had tangible, dramatic results quickly! In 6 weeks, I lost 16 lbs, 5.7% body fat, and 3 in visceral fat level. Overall, I've maintained a 25 lb weight loss and a drop of 6 in visceral fat to a healthy level. Others have commented on how great my skin looks. Bloodwork shows almost no inflammation in my body and aches and pains have disappeared. My triglycerides plummeted by 49 in just 6 weeks!”



‘The Panda Method has totally transformed my LIFE!!! And it’s not even about the weight loss, it’s about how I Feel. I feel AMAZING!!!’


Topher Hall, Hollywood actor

“If you’re looking for a cheat code you found it!!! Under Coach Kyle's guidance, I've shattered the walls of my limited beliefs. Those so-called gurus' barriers mean nothing when you have the right information and support.”